May 18, 2012

What's New

We have been making beads, pendants, pots, and more in our studio and selling through our business Off Center Productions at shows, shops and on line. I will continue to do this with my partner Lana who is a terrifically talented potter.

What is new is that I am following my own weird happy little path of what we call in the Northwest Woo Woo. I have for years read the tarot, written poetry, studied ethnic and cultural traditions and symbols. I keep making ceramic beads and pendants with symbols and characteristics of antiquities. I feel like I am ready to create a  specialized line of work which is focused on the symbols and images of the spirit. I will be drawing on many cultural and spiritual symbols including: Celtic, Nordic, Druid, Wiccan, Asian, Astrological, Ancient, Natural, Eastern European, Runic, as well as ancient alphabets.

We am making shrines which can be embellished with beads, gemstones, artifacts or personal items. Some shrines will be already embellished with a theme which I hope will speak to you.
I will be combining handmade beads and symbols with artifacts from around the world to make meaningful amulets and talismans. These can be worn as jewelry or simply carried.
Some people choose to keep them in a scared space in their home.

All of the symbolism used in this new work will be researched and shared on this blog.Shrines, talismans and amulets provide powerful support, reminders, solace, and direction in the often confusing path with heart. Please email me if you have any special requests or wish to share information or research.
Joan Tucker

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